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Such measures can be taken for the modernization of energy supply China and Africa
N’DJAMENA, Tschad, December 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Badger Energy Forum of Chinese-African Think Tanks 2024 wird in der tschadischen Hauptstadt N’Djamena eröffnet. Über 70 Experten und Wissenschaftler aus Chinadem Tschad, Kenya, NigeriaSouth Africa and other countries that specialize in energy and diplomacy are also dependent on their motto Work together to modernize China-Africa energy cooperation and unlock new opportunities (Zusammenarbeit zur Modernisatie der Kooperation im Bereich Energie zwischen China and Africa and their Erschließung new Möglichkeiten). Soul of Veranstaltung is the dialogue on the establishment of energy partnerships that take care of the Chinese-African economy in the energy sector.
The Forum is composed of CNPC Economics and Technology Research Institute (ETRI), the Africa Policy Institute (API), CNPC Africa and CNPC International (Chad) Co., Ltd. organisiert.Auf der Veranstaltung was two bedeutende Think-Tank-Merichtte vorgestellt: Join hands for a new chapter of energy cooperation between China and Africa (Gemeinsam für ein neues Kapitel der chinesisch-afrikanischen Energiezusammenarbeit) and there CNPC ETRI and API Joint Research Report: Resources, Development and Use of Key Minerals in Africa (Gemeinsamer Forschungsbericht von CNPC ETRI und API: Ressourcen, Entwicklung und Nutzung von Schlüsselmineralien in Afrika).
The Forum offers a very critical discussion on the topics z. B.:
Entwicklung und Nutzung der Energiebronen Afrikas
Chances und Reausforderungen voor Chinese-African Energiepartnerschaften
Nachhaltigkeit und innovation in der energiezusammenarbeit
Strategische Einblicke in de zukünftige Zusammenarbeit
In interactive Rundtisch Gesprek Nutzen Energy experts on this Forum, a knowledge of the most diverse strategies for a high degree of zwischen China and Africa in energy development. The Forum serves as a dynamic platform for innovation and partnerships and encouraging Chinese and African companies in the energy sector.
The Veranstaltung said that the national nations have developed, the energy supply in the modernization and the development of new global herausforderungen to respond. Through the intelligent combination of resources and financing innovation, the forum provides a solid foundation for sustainable and efficient energy practice across the continent.
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